My Relationship With Technology

My Relationship With Technology

Whether we like it or not, technology is something that will be around forever and has drastically changed how we live our daily lives. If you could tell the founding fathers that you could call someone from across the world and talk to them on a small device, they would say that you are crazy. 

The concept of technology is fascinating because it dates back to ancient times. The earliest examples of technology would be humans discovering how to make fire. It is weird to think about fire being a technology, but by definition technology refers to the “practical application of knowledge in a certain area.” Theoretically a lot of things in our daily lives could be classified as technology.

Looking at it this way I would say that technology has 100% impacted my life in a positive way because without it the standard of living that we are all accustomed to would never exist. Of course there are downsides to technology. I feel that the more modern day social technology that we use does have negative impacts.

My early life with online technology was mostly me watching sports highlights on Youtube or reading articles on ESPN. This form of online technology is so easy to access that I was able to watch all the videos that I would want to watch as a little kid.

Other forms of online technology that impacted my life in a big way was online gaming. Online gaming created another way for a young sixth grader like myself to be able to interact with my friends when I normally would not have been able to. I would have the opportunity to go to practice with my friends but then come home and have the opportunity to interact with them online through gaming. While online gaming is still something that can impact my life. Having the ability to interact online with your friends while playing a game together at the age will always feel just a little different.

Social media is a big technology that has impacted everybody's lives. I was in sixth grade when I got my first social media account which was Instagram. When I first downloaded Instagram it was not the app that it was today. Instagram was more of a place where you would interact with your friends rather than making an account that is very professional. Social media has become so much more important, especially in the working world that people need to be much more careful about what they post for people to see. 

Social media has even grown into the business world. Every person has a LinkedIn where they need to look very professional and set their highest standards. 

Now my social media has grown to other platforms. Facebook, Twitter, and others that now seem like a staple to have in most people's lives.

Of course this benefits everybody because we are now able to see each other and interact with each other more than ever. But are these interactions between a screen the same as actually being face to face. In my opinion I will never think that anything can feel the same as an in person interaction.

Technology has been evolving so fast that seeing each other in person has now seemed like an idea of the past. Businesses feel that they do not need face to face meetings to operate anymore because they are not as productive and efficient as meeting online. 

Bill Gates has already said that metaverse office meetings will be a normal thing in 2-3 years. Such a crazy idea for me to conceive right now. The metaverse will be a whole different universe that we are all supposed to accept and live in. The idea seems so crazy right now but it will probably be a normal thing in just a few short years.

Glasses that are being used in this day and age like Oculus will be an everyday item that everybody has. It may even be as important as owning a smartphone or a computer.

The technology of the world like previously said is evolving at a rate that we simply do not know what to expect. Technology has always been made in the past to make our lives better and easier.

The technology made for tomorrow has that idea in mind but seems like it is much more of a commercial idea that can help make big tech even more rich. It will be crazy to think about reading this final post in five years. The world will be a much different place.


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