Life on the United States Supreme Court

Life on the United States Supreme Court

Before reading and watching about the United States Supreme Court, I did not have much knowledge on how they operate or what the daily life of a Supreme Court judge was like. In High School and throughout my life I had heard of famous cases that made their way to the Supreme Court like Plessy vs. Ferguson and Brown vs. Board of Education. I always knew that the Supreme Court was powerful, but I never knew why they have been granted this power and how the Supreme Court was established.

Ever since the Supreme Court’s first ever meeting on February 2nd, they have been the most powerful judicial court in the United States. This court is not just granted power for the sake of it, this power of trust has been earned and granted to them by the American people. 

Without the permission of the American people to always listen to and obey the rule of the courts, they would not be where they have evolved into today. This is the most important takeaway of the Supreme Court because without us there would be no them. This is a key to our democracy as we allow ourselves to be governed but still acknowledge our freedoms. 

The most surprising thing about the Supreme Court is the opinion articles that they have to write after they have finished a case. It is mandatory that the majority side on a case has at least one member write an opinion article articulating why the decision they made through the laws we have set in place in our country. 

Members on the minority side are often encouraged to write in case further deliberation could come up with a better solution for the American people. Very surprising and cool to see that in some cases an original majority may end up being the minority after a few opinion articles have been written. 

These articles are then given to the American people so that they can understand why the decision was made. This gives full transparency between our judicial system and the American people. This helps build more trust in our system of law.

This has for sure changed my view on how the Supreme Court operates. The Supreme Court has gotten very political on the news recently which is sad to see because a lot of their efforts go to making sure our people are given the information they need to know on how the Supreme Court operates. I have more respect for the long hours and hard commitment that all people in our judicial system go through to make sure that we the American people have earned and given them the power that they have been granted. 


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