
Showing posts from September, 2021

Privacy, Online and Offline

Is Anything Private Anymore? After watching the TED talks and doing other research on the lack of privacy we have now as citizens, it is a very scary thing to think about. There are so many scenarios of people's privacy being breached and having information about them they do not want to be completely open to the public eye. It is truly a very scary thing. It raises the question for people like myself who are scared of the lack of privacy and for the people who have no idea that this is happening, what does this new technology mean for us in the future and how will my life and privacy be changed. A study created by Inside Science states that your smartphone after a certain amount of usage ends up knowing more about you than you know about yourself . That is something that is extremely scary to think about. Never before in human history have we had machines be able to know more information about us than any other human being in history including ourselves. These devices know more

The Printing Press

  The Printing Press Our world has seen so many amazing innovations that once seemed impossible. The idea of creating fire had been the most innovative invention from humans just a short time ago. Today we have massive innovations in areas like social media and transportation. All of these innovations changed the world and how humans interact. In the 15th century, one of those inventions was also created and is one of the most innovative of all time. A man by the name of Johannes Gutenberg created the Printing Press, a machine that allowed for mass production of all written media. Written media is used in our everyday lives in the forms of books and newspapers. Without the invention of the Printing Press, none of this would have been possible. It was the assembly line before the assembly line was created. Sorry Random E. Olds and Henry Ford but you were a few centuries behind! Without Johannes Gutenberg's invention, who knows where would be as a society today. The History

Eight Values of Expression

Eight Values of Expression On September 17, 1787 our constitution that we live by was ratified and along with it were Twelve Amendments. The First Amendment is an amendment that is talked about almost everyday on the news. It is the year 2021 and something that was made in 1787 is still in the forefront of our everyday lives.   After reading the eight values of free expression I realized that there are many different ways people interpret the idea of being able to express themselves.  The biggest one that stuck with me was Jack Balkin’s idea on promoting innovation. Promoting innovation is key to freedoms of expression and society as a whole because it is how we advance forward in every aspect of the world. Without the freedom of innovation, we would not have the ability to share our ideas and opinions. People who are passionate about things would not be allowed to express themselves in a way that they need too. Society is evolving at such an astronomical rate that if we did not pro

Life on the United States Supreme Court

Life on the United States Supreme Court Before reading and watching about the United States Supreme Court, I did not have much knowledge on how they operate or what the daily life of a Supreme Court judge was like. In High School and throughout my life I had heard of famous cases that made their way to the Supreme Court like Plessy vs. Ferguson and Brown vs. Board of Education . I always knew that the Supreme Court was powerful, but I never knew why they have been granted this power and how the Supreme Court was established. Ever since the Supreme Court’s first ever meeting on February 2nd, they have been the most powerful judicial court in the United States. This court is not just granted power for the sake of it, this power of trust has been earned and granted to them by the American people.  Without the permission of the American people to always listen to and obey the rule of the courts, they would not be where they have evolved into today. This is the most important takeaway o

Where is the Best Places to get Your News?

Where is the Best Places to get Your News? It is very important in this day and age to know where to get your news from. We live in an era where news has never been so accessible. In the past people would need to listen to news on the radio or read the newspaper, news was maybe on television at 7pm and 11pm. Nowadays we have the world at our fingertips as any source of news is accessible on a smartphone. Because of news being so easily accessible, certain news may not be the most accurate or have up to date information. Today we are going to talk about some of the best places to get news from.  ESPN is the biggest company in the world when it comes to news about sports. ESPN is a global business that covers sports all over the world. ESPN has either live sports or premium coverage aired 24 hours per day and 365 days a year. Whether it is getting breaking news from their flagship show SportsCenter , to listening to one of their famous debate shows like Get Up , ESPN has some of the best