
Showing posts from October, 2021

Ken Ilgunas Discussion

 Class Discussion Our class discussion with Ken Ilgunas about the first amendment and how it plays a role in our lives was very interesting and I felt that I learned a lot. I found that it was very cool to hear from Ken’s experiences and how they shaped him into the man that he is today. One of the things that we talked about that I found to be the most interesting was near the end of our chat when Ken talked about his experience and the laws that have been put in place since the COVID-19 pandemic. As we all know we are experiencing a global pandemic right now that is the first of its scale since the Spanish Flu 100 years ago . The Spanish Flu had three different “waves” and had a massive death toll of over 50 million people . Fast forward to 100 years to 2021 and the world is a much different place. The Spanish Flu was predominantly in Europe unlike COVID-19 which is affecting the entire globe. Countries around the world are taking many different measures to insure the safety of the

Citizen Journalism

 Citizen Journalism We live in a world that is so globally connected that news travels faster than ever before. A lot of people do not look at mainstream news as a form of getting their daily news. According to Pew Research Center, 1 in 5 Americans say that they get their news “often” from social media.   Most news that comes from social media comes from the general public in a form that is called Citizen journalism. Citizen journalism is by definition , “the collection, dissemination, and analysis of news and information by the general public, especially by the means of the internet.” Citizen journalism have been around since actual journalists have been around. But like the definition says, it has become very more prominent due to the creation of the internet. Prior to the creation of the internet, it was very hard for citizen journalists to get their voices heard . There was no place that was as easily accessible like the internet for people to hear what citizen journalists had to s

The Age of Artificial Intelligence has Arrived

The Age of Artificial Intelligence has Arrived The Industrial Era took humans beyond the physical capabilities that we once thought were possible. This was something that was so important to our society and created opportunities we never thought were once possible. The age of AI in a whole new ball game that we never thought could ever happen. Well, if you like it or not, it is here and it is about to be huge. AI, short for artificial intelligence, uses the coding of machines that can teach itself. Similar to the Industrial Era, AI is going to breach a barrier that we once thought was unbreachable. The industrial Era was with physical power, AI is going to be with our minds. The video did not make AlphaGo beating legendary Go player Lee Sedol in a match as big of a deal as they needed it to be.  Go is a board game that originated in China over 4,000 years ago . It is one of the oldest board games in human history. While it may seem like a simple game, it is one of the most complex.

The Spiral of Silence

The Spiral of Silence Have you ever wondered why people who support anti-war have their voices silenced? Have you ever wondered why most people seem to want to stay in the cultural norms and always do what others do? The Theory of Spiral of Silence might give you a better explanation on why these things happen in our society. Proposed by German Scientist Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann in 1974, the Spiral of Silence is a theory that states that a social group of society might isolate or exclude members due to the members’ opinions.  In simpler terms, when people are more comfortable in a situation, they are going to feel more willing to voice their opinions and speak their minds. This holds true on the opposite side as well. The less people are comfortable in a situation, the less they would be willing to share their opinions. Think back to when you had a class vote when you were in middle or high school. Sometimes so many people raise their hands for one vote that the entire class ends up

The Silence of Anti-War Voices

The Silence of Anti-War Voices Throughout our lives, we have been exposed to propaganda. Some things may seem very small, like an advertisement. We have all seen the propaganda ads throughout our history classes when we were in middle and high school. All of these ads that we saw were convincing people to join the cause and fight for their respective nation.   Yet why is it that we have never seen propaganda ads telling people to not participate in a war. There are many times in our nation's history where we as the people did not want to go to war. When the United States fought in the Vietnam war and used the draft, my grandfather, uncle, and thousands of others protested in Faneuil Hall in Boston.   So many people oppose war, yet why is it that we never hear these voices? War is something that everyone can agree on is a bad thing. I know for me at least I would rather not see people have to risk their lives trying to protest their nation they love. Yet if you have to look at war f


The Original and Modern Day Drone Drones are something almost anyone can get their hands on today. They are used in a variety of different fields. Today drones are used to capture live events, in commercials, surveying areas, and it is now used by law enforcement. The first ever drone was created in the early 20th century. Y et prior to 2006, drones were only used by the military. What if I told you the first concept for a drone dates back to 1849 . Austria wanted a way to besiege Venice without using much manpower, so they decided to use unmanned balloons full of explosives and launch them into the city. Up until that point, the idea of an unmanned weapon had never been thought of before. It would not be another 70 years until this idea would be used in a military way.  The first ever pilotless aircraft was created in WWI. It is the earliest form of a drone. The United States was trying to create a mini unmanned aircraft that would be used for the same purpose as Kamikaze planes u

Diffusion of Innovations

 Diffusion of Innovations Television has been around in my life forever. Before the invention of the smartphone the television was my number one source of getting my news and information. Most people would either consume their media via cable tv or a radio. Cable tv has always been the way of life for most Americans, but in 2005, Youtube was created. Youtube was the first company to implement the idea of a streaming service where people could consume their content in a continuous manner not controlled by someone else. Fast forward to early 2020, streaming had grown into a much bigger challenger to cable tv with services such as Netflix , Hulu , and Disney+ . By the end of 2020 and early into 2021, our lives changed with the COVID-19 pandemic and our way of watching television had changed as well.  It had seemed that everyone and anyone was deciding to create a streaming service. Brand new streaming services like Youtube TV , HBO Max , Paramount+ , and Peacock TV , plus countless more